RRC Hubli Recruitment 2013 - Group D Posts
Vacancies : 1299
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 + GP 1800
Age between : 18 - 33 years
Academic Qualifications: matriculation or equivalent or ITI.
Breakup of Vacancies
Trackman: 621 (UR-320, SC-92, ST-45, OBC-164)
Helper / TMO: 104 (UR-59, SC-23, ST-8, OBC-14)
Helper Bridge / Engg: 1 (UR-1)
Helper Bridge / Engg: 1 (UR-1)
Helper P.Way/Engg. : 13 (SC-2, ST-1, OBC-4, UR-6)
Helper/Works/Engg: 62 (SC-8, ST-4, OBC-14, UR-36)
Helper/Civil Engg.(RWF): 16 (SC-3, ST-1, OBC-4, UR-8)
Helper / Mech. (C&W): 129 (SC-9, ST-5, OBC-83, UR-32)
Helper/Dsl/Mech.Wing: 3 (OBC)
Helper/Dsl/Elec.Wing: 6 (UR)
Helper/Elec : 55 (SC-8, ST-3, OBC-15, UR-29)
Helper/Elec(RWF): 4 (SC-1, ST-0, OBC-1, UR-2)
Helper/S&T: 55 (SC-8, ST-4, OBC-15, UR-28)
Helper/S&T(RWF): 2 (SC-0, ST-1, OBC-0, UR-1)
Helper/Stores(RWF): 6 (SC-1, ST-0, OBC-2, UR-3)
Porter / Hamal / Sweeper Porter / Optg.: 155 (SC-23, ST-12, OBC-42, UR-78)
Helper/Works/Engg: 62 (SC-8, ST-4, OBC-14, UR-36)
Helper/Civil Engg.(RWF): 16 (SC-3, ST-1, OBC-4, UR-8)
Helper / Mech. (C&W): 129 (SC-9, ST-5, OBC-83, UR-32)
Helper/Dsl/Mech.Wing: 3 (OBC)
Helper/Dsl/Elec.Wing: 6 (UR)
Helper/Elec : 55 (SC-8, ST-3, OBC-15, UR-29)
Helper/Elec(RWF): 4 (SC-1, ST-0, OBC-1, UR-2)
Helper/S&T: 55 (SC-8, ST-4, OBC-15, UR-28)
Helper/S&T(RWF): 2 (SC-0, ST-1, OBC-0, UR-1)
Helper/Stores(RWF): 6 (SC-1, ST-0, OBC-2, UR-3)
Porter / Hamal / Sweeper Porter / Optg.: 155 (SC-23, ST-12, OBC-42, UR-78)
Safaiwala/Medi: 62 (SC-9, ST-5, OBC-17, UR-31)
Helper/Mech/WS: 5 (SC-1, ST-1, OBC-1, UR-2)
RRC Hubli Jobs Application Process:
Candidates eligible and interested can download the application format from www.swr.indianrailways.gov.in or www.rrchubli.in and send it along copies of certificates supporting your qualifications to “The Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment), Railway Recruitment Cell, DRM Office Compound, South Western Railway, Hubli-580 020” so as to reach on or before the closing date 28th October, 2013. For more details of this recruitment one can visit www.rrchubli.in.Fee: Rs. 100 in thr form of IPO in favour of Asst.Personnel Officer/Rectt/SWR/UBL and payable at Hubli.
RRC Hubli Group-D Jobs Selection Process:
Written Examination -> Physical Efficiency Test -> Medical TestCandidates will have to pass these three stages of selection process successfully in order to be appointed in group-d posts notified by RRC Hubli. Written examination will be at matriculation / ITI level. Physical examination (PET) is a run of 1000 meters in 4.15 minutes for male and 400 meters in 3.10 minutes for female. After passing in Written Examination and PET they will be called for Medical test according to the posts as mentioned in the RRC Hubli notification.
Website: www.swr.indianrailways.gov.in & www.rrchubli.in
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